In a bustling village of spirits, Yuzu, a cheerful fox girl, starts her first job as an attendant at the traditional hot springs inn Konohanatei. Though Yuzu has no experience working at such a high-class establishment, Kiri, the affable and reliable head attendant, immediately puts her to work learning the basics. While Yuzu's eagerness initially proves to be more of a hindrance than a blessing, her playful nature brings a unique charm to the inn, as both customers and her fellow workers quickly warm up to her clumsy yet well-meaning mistakes. Under the guidance of the other foxes—the rigid Satsuki, the carefree Natsume, the critical Ren, and the quiet Sakura—Yuzu steadily learns the trade of an inn attendant while learning to love the magical world surrounding her. Konohana Kitan presents the heartwarming tale of a simple fox girl forging bonds with others and finding a home amidst the mysterious, beautiful world of spirits.
Koyanskaya Fate
With this beautiful strip poster of excellent quality, you immediately add atmosphere to a space. Whether it's your living room, bedroom or office. With this photo wallpaper you will get a real eye-catcher on the wal
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For goods that are returned to us because the customer has not collected the goods, we charge a fee of €6.50 or 10 or 25 to cover our packaging fee and costs of return shipping.